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About Us

The LPC Alumni Foundation was established in partnership with the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce to support community programs that make a difference in Pulaski County, Missouri. In March 2021, thanks to the hard work of the Chamber's Board of Directors, staff, and the LPC Alumni Association volunteers, the Foundation received its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. This milestone marked a new era of community-focused programming as the Chamber entrusted the Foundation with several impactful initiatives:

* Leadership Pulaski County Program – Cultivating leaders in our community.
* Junior Leadership Pulaski County Program – Inspiring future leaders among our youth.
* CHOICES Program – Empowers teens to achieve academic success in pursuit of their career and life   aspirations by staying in school.
* The Right Choice Scholarship – Providing financial support for promising students continuing their education after High School.
* HBL - Salute to the Season – This event celebrates the service men and women who remain in our community during the holiday season, providing them with an opportunity to be honored and celebrated during a time when they are away from their families.

These programs remain strong pillars of the Foundation, fostering community involvement and leadership development.

Our Partnership

The LPC Alumni Foundation and the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce continue to work closely on each program, ensuring their impact remains far-reaching. This partnership has grown over the years, bringing together community leaders, alumni, and volunteers dedicated to giving back.

Get Involved

Whether you're interested in volunteering, supporting scholarships, sponsoring our programs, participating in our programs, or honoring our service members, we welcome you to join us in making Pulaski County a stronger community. To learn more about how you can contribute or participate, please call 573-336-5121.

LPC Alumni Foundation Board of Directors


Michelle Beckley, President (LPC Class 6)
Laura Schoephorster, Vice-President (LPC Class 4)
Nola Estrella, Treasurer (LPCClass 5)
Theresa Stafford, Secretary (LPC Class 2)
Cecilia Murray, Registered Agent (LPC Class 1)
Rosalind Pride, WSR Chamber Board Representative (LPC Class 8)
Janel Rowell, Director (LPC Class 3)
Jasmine Kazuma, Director (LPC Class 8)
Russ Dixon, Director (LPC Class 2)
Kerstin Ellis, Director (LPC Class 10)